Andrew Minchew's Internet Foyer
Earth human. Husband. Father. Nerd. Trying to share my observations on a journey peppered with board games, video games, comedy, science, technology, the web, DIY, miniatures, RC cars, drawing, illustration, art and design.
If you got here without having any of my contact information, and you need to get in touch, you're welcome to shoot me an email... andrew minchew at gmail should do the trick.
Rather than try to make this website do all the things, I thought I'd use it as a hub to point to my other web spots:
- Blog - I have fond memories of blogging from way back in the wordpress & blogger days. I enjoyed a creative writing class in college. I have a tendency to undercut the value of my own opinions. Slowly building back up to some kind of publishing momentum.
- LinkedIn - I've slowly but surely tried to deactivate and delete my various social media accounts because I don't think they're doing anyone any good, but LinkedIn feels important because work and jobs.
- Metaverse office - I haven't given up on the Metaverse just yet and so far, this has been one of the more practical applications I've found. It's somewhere between Fortnite and Zoom and I still enjoy it when visitors drop in. If I'm available, when I get notified of a guest, I'll definitely pop in. Still noodling on ways to make the space more interesting.
I have every intention of spiffing this place up a bit and adding more links in the future. Just trying to take one step at a time.